SolAR framework is looking for contributors .
You can start using SolAR Framework very quickly:
download and execute the SolAR installer. It will install all you need to user SolAR Framework. binaries. It will only take 15 minutes .
download and test solAR sample code : sample codes, compile it and run it. You will learn about SolARFramework use (code organization, API call) . It will take about 30 minutes.
implement your own program based on SolAR: to help you some tutorials will soon be available. tutorials and do some exercises. You will learn more about SolARFramework, so that you will be able to program a code based on SolAR framework by your own. //It will take more time, depending on which level of expertise you want.
SOlAR framework can be used by :
pose estimation developers (using a C++ API) and
designers (using an editor),
to create a good pose estimation solution.