getting started linux

Install IDE linux

Install your environment following these guidelines: (Ubuntu 16.04)

Install pre-requisites

In a console window, enter the following command:

sudo  apt-get install -y python2.7 unzip build-essential git pkg-config qt5-qmake qt4-qmake default-jre curl libqt5core5a libgtk2.0-0 libwebp5 libjasper1 libopenexr22 libopenni0 libdc1394-22 libavcodec-ffmpeg56 libavutil-ffmpeg54 libavformat-ffmpeg56 libswscale-ffmpeg3 qt5-default

And follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Check your system is up-to-date :

sudo apt update

sudo apt dist-upgrade

Then execute this line :

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Install QT Creator from QT installer

Then, just run the installer. For this, open a console window and enter the following command:

$ cd ~/Downloads

(English version)


cd ~/Téléchargements

(French version)


$ chmod 755
$ sudo ./

Set up environment variables

  • create a BCOMDEVROOT directory on your local hard drive

    mkdir [path]/BCOMDEVROOT
    mkdir [path]/BCOMDEVROOT/linux

Add the following line into your ~/.profile file:

export BCOMDEVROOT= "[path]/BCOMDEVROOT/linux"

Also add the following line to your .bashrc file:

export PATH=/opt/Qt5.9.1/5.9/gcc_64/bin/:/opt/Qt5.9.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/:$PATH

Force the system to take those paths in account:

source ~/.profil

source .bashrc

Install and build SolAR Framework in less than 10 minutes (script BETA VERSION)

This section indicates how to use the script implemened for SolAR to instala and build every SolAR code and make your environment ready to contribute in about 5 minutes. Some persons have problems with this script, so that we offer you an alternative in the next section (but will take more time) Please feel free to test the script and give your feedbacks (sucess or not, your computer configuration) so that we can improve it !
  1. Create a SolAR directory

  2. Let’s move to this directory.

cd SolAR

  1. Using a git client, clone the following repository on the develop branch:

git clone
  1. Open a terminal console, and go to your SolAR directory

  1. Execute the following command:


Test your first SolAR program

Once you have installed SolAR, you are able to run your first SolAR program.

Look at your SolARframework folder

Check you SolARframrwork directory is filled in with SolARframework and SolAR modules.

choose a test program

You can for example open the SolARDescriptorMatcher program. For this program, and for each test, you can choose a dynamic or a static version. Let’s see with the static version here.

  • Open the SolARContainerOpenCV\tests\SolARDescriptorMatcher\static folder.

There are source files, and a packagedepencies.txt files, precizing which third parties are used.

packagedependencies.txt is the file used by the pipeline manager to load third parties.

packagedependencies in project

Just have a look at packagedepencies.txt, it contains the definition of third parties used by this program.

  • SolARFramework|1.0.0|SolARFramework|bcomBuild|url_repo_artifactory

  • SolARContainerOpenCV|1.0.0|SolARContainerOpenCV|bcomBuild|url_repo_artifactory

  • xpcf|1.0.0|xpcf|bcomBuild|

  • boost|1.64.0|boost|thirdParties|

  • opencv|3.2.0|opencv|thirdParties|

Just remind that the third parties shoule be available in your SolARFramework\SolARLibraries\thirdParties repository.

Open the pro file in your favorite IDE.

test opencv solar matcher

configure your build

Configure the project build, add the "make install" line as described in this image.

configure example make install

Add also an image in arguments, so that the program can track the image in the camera vision.

command line execution arguments

run it

Then build and tun the program.

keypoint Matcher example

if you have problems for compiling or execute a program, feel free to contact us.

Update your SolAR framework source code

Open a terminal console, and go to your SolAR directory

Update code source.

From your SolAR folder, update the develop branches of the three following git repositories: SolarFramework, SolarContainerOpenCV and xpcf. To do so, repeat the following commands inside the three folders, SolarFramework, SolarContainerOpenCV and xpcf:

$ git checkout develop
$ git pull origin develop
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ git submodule foreach git checkout develop
$ git submodule foreach git pull origin develop

Re-build SolAR


./build-scripts/ debug


./build-scripts/ release