Table of Contents



Core and components

The SolAR Framework addresses the full chain of AR applications development:

  1. Components creation: SolAR defines a unique API for basic components required for camera pose estimation (features extractor, descriptors calculation, matching, Perspective N Points, homography, image filters, etc.). The SolAR community can develop new components compliant with the SolAR API, whether royalty free or under a commercial license. To ease the publication of your SolAR components, you can embed them in containers.

  2. Pipeline implementation of camera pose estimation: You can download containers of components published by the SolAR community. SolAR provides developers with a pipeline mechanism allowing to connect SolAR components to define your own camera pose estimation solution (today through a SDK, soon thanks to a dedicated graphic editor). When your pipeline is validated, you can publish it for AR applications developers.

  3. AR service development: By controlling the SolAR SDK directly from Unity, load the camera pose estimation solution developed by the SolAR community that best fits your application requirements. Simply develop your AR application as with any AR SDK and roll it out. Since SolAR is based on a unified interface, you will be able to easily make your application evolve with the new solutions developed by the SolAR community.

The following video presents these 3 steps in more detail:

SolAR is open-source

This framework is open-source and released under Apache license 2.0, that lets you use it for research as well as commercial purposes.

Nevertheless, only the SolAR framework is provided under Apache 2.0. The components you can use with the help of the framework to develop your own solution have their own license, which may not be compatible with Apache 2.0 or your own legal framework. Always check the compatibility of the components' licenses with themselves and with your own project. The SolAR community gives absolutely no warranty as to the legality of any solution that may result from your use of the framework, and cannot be held responsible for your use of the framework and of the components.

All components that are to be hosted on SolAR’s Github repositories must be released by their copyright holders under Apache 2.0, and can only make use of third-party software released under licenses compatible with Apache 2.0. Otherwise the components have to be externally hosted.

b<>com and the SolAR community will try their best to review the components hosted on SolAR’s Github, but cannot warrant that all these components will respect the aforementioned conditions. Thus, you must always check the legal conditions of any component you intend to use.