SolAR::MODULES::TOOLS Namespace Reference

Provides a set of useful components UUID: 28b89d39-41bd-451d-b19e-d25a3d7c5797 More...


class  SolAR2DTransform
 Applies a 2D Transform to a set of 2D points. UUID: edcedc0a-9841-4377-aea1-9fa9fdb46fde More...
class  SolAR3D3DCorrespondencesFinder
 Finds the 3D-3D correspondences from feature matches of two keyframes. UUID: 978068ef-7f93-41ef-8e24-13419776d9c6 More...
class  SolAR3DTransform
 Applies a 3D Transform to a set of 3D points. UUID: f05dd955-33bd-4d52-8717-93ad298ed3e3 More...
class  SolAR3DTransformEstimationSACFrom3D3D
 Finds the 3D transform of 3D-3D points correspondences with a SAmple Consensus. UUID: 3b7a1117-8b59-46b1-8e0c-6e76a8377ab4 More...
class  SolARBasicMatchesFilter
 Retains the best match for each keypoint. UUID: cbb620c3-a7fc-42d7-bcbf-f59b475b23b0 More...
class  SolARBasicSink
 A Sink for a synchronized pose and texture buffer based on an image buffer useful for AR video see-through pipelines.. UUID: 85db2f25-4f1c-4e06-9011-e020284bfc4f More...
class  SolARBasicSource
 Feeds a pipeline with an external image. UUID: 1e43cda9-7850-4a8a-a32b-f3f31ea94902 More...
class  SolARBoostCovisibilityGraph
 A storage component to store with persistence the visibility between keypoints and 3D points, and respectively, based on a bimap from boost. More...
class  SolARCovisibilityGraphManager
 A storage component to store a covisibility graph where each vertex is an id of a keyframe and each edge is weighted by the number of common cloud points between two keyframes. More...
class  SolARFiducialMarkerPoseEstimator
 Estimate camera pose based on a fiducial marker. UUID: cddd23c4-da4e-4c5c-b3f9-7d095d097c97 More...
class  SolARFiducialMarkersDetector
 Detect a set of given 2D fiducial markers in an image. UUID: 31fa26d6-9744-4522-85fa-fc2baafbe397 More...
class  SolARHomographyValidation
 Checks if an homography is valid based on 4 corners of a squared marker and their projection through a given homography. UUID: 112f9f03-79c1-4393-b8f3-e02227bebfed More...
class  SolARImage2WorldMapper4Marker2D
 Retrieves the 3D correspondences of pixels of a 2D marker. UUID: 6fed0169-4f01-4545-842a-3e2425bee248 More...
class  SolARKeyframeSelector
 Defines if a frame can be a candidate for a keyframe. UUID: ad59a5ba-beb8-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 More...
class  SolARKeyframesManager
 A storage component to store a persistent set of keyframes, based on a std::set. More...
class  SolARKeypointsReIndexer
 Provides two ordered set of matching keypoints from two unordered set of keypoints and their corresponding matches. UUID: c2836cc0-0344-4956-8959-84936fb4bcf2 More...
class  SolARLoopClosureDetector
 Detect a loop closure from a given keyframe. UUID: e3d5946c-c1f1-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 More...
class  SolARLoopCorrector
 Corrects a loop of camera poses and updates associated geometry. UUID: 1007b588-c1f2-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 More...
class  SolARMapFilter
 Filters a cloud of 3D points by removing points with a too important reporjection error or those which are behind the camera. UUID: 09205b96-7cba-4415-bc61-64744bc26222 More...
class  SolARMapManager
 Allow to manage all components of a map. UUID: 8e3c926a-0861-46f7-80b2-8abb5576692c More...
class  SolARMapUpdate
 Update the global map after merging a local map into the global map. UUID: 3960331a-9190-48f4-aeba-e20bf6a24465 More...
class  SolARMultiFiducialMarkersPoseEstimator
 Estimate camera pose based on a set of fiducial markers. UUID: 9a4521de-2ea5-48f4-97ba-7e698a426076 More...
class  SolAROverlapDetector
 Detect a loop closure from a given keyframe. UUID: 58087630-1376-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002 More...
class  SolARPointCloudManager
 A storage component to store a persistent cloud of 3D points, based on a std::set. More...
class  SolARSBPatternReIndexer
 Provides both the 4 corners of a pattern in its reference coordinate system (pixels, cells, etc.) and the 4 corners in pixels of this pattern in the current image. UUID: a2ef5542-029e-4fce-9974-0aea14b29d6f More...
class  SolARSLAMBootstrapper
 Initialization SLAM using an image stream of a camera. UUID: 8f43eed0-1a2e-4c47-83f0-8dd5b259cdb0 More...
class  SolARSLAMMapping
  SLAM mapping. UUID: c276bcb1-2ac8-42f2-806d-d4fe0ce7d4be More...
class  SolARSLAMTracking
  SLAM tracking task. UUID: c45da19d-9637-48b6-ab52-33d3f0af6f72 More...
class  SolARStereoBootstrapper
 Perform mapping bootstrapper using stereo camera. UUID: 02064ef7-e7b9-40e2-8793-6bd177f4bc79 More...
class  SolARStereoDepthEstimation
  Depth estimation based on disparity of matched features. UUID: 153ffeaf-7583-44a7-bb7a-3474ba7d99cb More...
class  SolARStereoFeatureExtractionAndDepthEstimation
  Perform feature extraction and keypoint depth estimation from each stereo images. UUID: d015129a-6dff-448c-bf02-66f461ff401e More...
class  SolARStereoReprojection
 Reproject keypoints with estimating depth to 3D cloud points. UUID: 6f0c5373-1b00-41ce-ab1b-a845b83f65b3 More...
class  SolARWorldGraphLoader
 Load a world graph of trackables. UUID: 8ee6aa50-f6bb-4b01-a1fe-727b54ed0457 More...

Detailed Description

Provides a set of useful components UUID: 28b89d39-41bd-451d-b19e-d25a3d7c5797