▼NSolAR | |
▼Napi | |
►Ndisplay | |
CI2DOverlay | Draws 2D information on top of an image. UUID: 62b8b0b5-9344-40e6-a288-e609eb3ff0f1 |
CI3DOverlay | Draws 3D content on top of an image. UUID: 81a20f52-6bf9-4949-b914-df2f614bc945 |
CI3DPointsViewer | Displays point clouds in a window. UUID: 575d365a-9a27-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459 |
CIImageViewer | VDisplays an image in a window. UUID: B05F3DBB-F93D-465C-AEE1-FB58E1480C42 |
CIMaskOverlay | Draws masks on top of an image. UUID: 35a2454a-cb09-44ac-b2ce-0b0732175f94 |
CIMatchesOverlay | Draws matches between two images. UUID: a801354a-3e00-467c-b390-48c76fa8c53a |
►Nfeatures | |
CI2DTrackablesDetector | Detect a set of given 2D trackables in an image. UUID: 607d0b0d-766d-4ff2-9b72-45c555f9726f |
CIContoursExtractor | Extracts contours from an image. UUID: 42d82ab6-cc62-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CIContoursFilter | Filters a set of contours. UUID: 6b3de3a0-cc72-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CICornerRefinement | Refine the corner locations. UUID: 6ed0413a-751e-4c33-b91b-97b3ea949bc2 |
CIDescriptorMatcher | Matches two sets of descriptors together. UUID: dda38a40-c50a-4e7d-8433-0f04c7c98518 Just implement the first interface, the second interface is implemented in ADescriptorMatcher |
CIDescriptorMatcherGeometric | Matches two sets of descriptors based on geometric constraints. UUID: 2ed445a6-32f3-44a1-9dc5-3b0cfec778db Just implement the first interface, the second interface is implemented in ADescriptorMatcherGeometric |
CIDescriptorMatcherRegion | Matches two sets of descriptors based on region constraints. UUID: bdef063d-96de-4425-83c5-fec7b7e448c8 Just implement the first interface, the second and third interface are implemented in ADescriptorMatcherRegion |
CIDescriptorMatcherStereo | Matches two sets of descriptors from stereo images. UUID: 272f1ef0-c269-4631-b75c-fc7316d10915 Just implement the first interface, the second interface is implemented in ADescriptorMatcherStereo |
CIDescriptorsExtractor | Extracts descriptors from a set of keypoints. UUID: c0e49ff1-0696-4fe6-85a8-9b2c1e155d2e |
CIDescriptorsExtractorFromImage | Detect keypoints and compute the descriptors from an image. UUID: 1cd4f5f1-6b74-413b-9725-69653aee48ef |
CIDescriptorsExtractorSBPattern | Extracts descriptors from a squared binary pattern or from an image of a squared binary pattern. UUID: 2e2bde18-ce39-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CIFeatureWithDepthFromStereo | Perform feature extraction and keypoint depth estimation from each stereo images. UUID: 10853f36-c0c0-4afb-81b8-0b1a06ca4e71 |
CIImageMatcher | Matches keypoint between two input images. UUID: 157ec340-0682-4e6c-bf69-e4d95fa760d3 |
CIKeypointDetector | Detects the keypoints from an image. UUID: 0eadc8b7-1265-434c-a4c6-6da8a028e06e |
CIKeypointDetectorRegion | Detects the keypoints from given region of an image. UUID: 64ccce51-b445-4ec5-a0fa-44156e8bc370 |
CIKeypointsReIndexer | Reorganizes the keypoints detected from two images that match together in two vector of points where the nth point of the first vector matches with the nth point of the second vector. UUID: 920e64a2-df17-11e7-80c1-9a214cf093ae |
CIMatchesFilter | Filters a set of matches. UUID: e0d6cc82-6af2-493d-901a-2384fca0b16f |
CISBPatternReIndexer | Gives both the 4 corners of a pattern in its reference coordinate system (pixels, cells, etc.) and the 4 corners in pixels of this pattern in the current image. UUID: 79c5b810-d557-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a |
►Nfusion | |
CInertialData | |
CIVisualInertialFusion | Fuses data captured by inertial sensors with the pose estimated from visual sensors. UUID: 3efaa1c6-85e4-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01bbebc |
CVisionData | |
►Ngeom | |
CI2DPointsRectification | Rectify 2D points. UUID: 188e9e9c-6d73-4495-9d9f-3bc5d35c4b43 Just implement the first interface, the second interface is implemented in A2DPointsRectification |
CI2DTransform | Applies a 2D transformation (e.g. an homography) to a set of 2D points. UUID: dbf5a8a1-cbcb-4a95-8dfd-4d9d5877e56f |
CI3DTransform | Applies a 3D transformation (e.g. an affine transformation) to a set of 3D points. UUID: 9c1052b2-46c0-467b-8363-36f19b6b445f |
CIDepthEstimation | Depth estimation based on disparity of matched features. UUID: 0d3c4b5d-bbb2-4adc-80b0-b7e8720a704d |
CIImage2WorldMapper | Maps 2D points to a 3D world coordinate system. For example, this method can map the 4 corners of a marker to the world coordinate system. UUID: 67bcd080-258d-4b16-b693-cd30c013eb05 |
CIProject | Projects 3D points on a 2D image plane. UUID: b485f37d-a8ea-49f6-b361-f2b30777d9ba |
CIReprojectionStereo | Reproject keypoints with estimating depth to 3D cloud points. UUID: 166a0aad-8c0a-4cdc-9edf-41ff9e514212 Just implement the first and second interface, the third interface is implemented in AReprojectionStereo |
CIUndistortPoints | Applies an undistorsion to a set of points. UUID: a345a1d2-c3f3-497f-948b-cd1a199e6657 |
CIUnproject | Recovers 3D points defined in world coordinate system from a set of 2D points defined in the image coordinate system. UUID: 21113a74-de60-4a3c-8b65-f3112beb3dc6 |
►Nimage | |
CIImageConvertor | Converts image with a specific layout. UUID: 9c982719-6cb4-4831-aa88-9e01afacbd16 |
CIImageFilter | Applies a filter to an image. UUID: f7948ae2-e994-416f-be40-dd404ca03a83 |
CIImageLoader | Loads an image. UUID: 6fcdaa8d-6ea9-4c3f-97b0-46cd11b67a9b |
CIImageRectification | Rectify image. UUID: f3e2cdb3-1818-4316-b536-a35650c59811 |
CIPerspectiveController | Warps and crops an image given a contour defined with four 2D points. UUID: 4a7d5c34-cd6e-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
►Ninput | |
►Ndevices | |
CIARDevice | Retrieve synchronized sensor images and poses from an external device (ie. HoloLens). UUID: 999085e6-1d11-41a5-8cca-3daf4e02e941 |
CICamera | Grabs images captured in real-time by a video camera. UUID: 5ddc7df0-8377-437f-9c81-3643f7676a5b |
CICameraCalibration | Calibrates a camera. UUID: 0e83b228-b9ca-413d-9dc2-db45c427428b |
CIDepthCamera | Specify the IDepthCamera interface class |
CIDevice | Manage any kind of device. UUID: d73c7b34-f6af-48f3-b65d-37a047929f4b |
CIIMU | Get access to the data of an IMU. UUID: 9940fa48-10cf-11e8-b642-0ed5f89f718b |
CIRGBDCamera | Specify the IRGBDCamera interface class |
CIStereoCameraCalibration | Calibrate and rectify a stereo camera. UUID: b4fad0ff-c636-492e-ba12-710927a760c7 |
►Nfiles | |
CIPointCloudLoader | Loads a point cloud from a file. UUID: 1abd8117-87d3-4c6c-8fb6-c2fdb7359ee2 |
CITrackableLoader | Loads a general Trackable object. UUID: 8e54d5d0-f7a3-4d62-b012-728e5704b46a |
CIWorldGraphLoader | Loads a world graph of trackables. UUID: b68a0544-c9f2-48eb-9542-c2048ff25c08 |
►Nloop | |
CILoopClosureDetector | Detect a loop closure from a given keyframe. UUID: a267c93a-c1c6-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 |
CILoopCorrector | Optimizes a system of 3D points and keyframes from a loop closing detection. UUID: 8f05eea8-c1c6-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 |
CIOverlapDetector | Detects an overlap between different maps. UUID: fe6a40ca-137c-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002 |
►Npipeline | |
CIAsyncRelocalizationPipeline | Defines an asynchronous relocalization pipeline. UUID: 58389ff0-5695-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002 |
CIMappingPipeline | Defines a mapping pipeline. UUID: 2dc3cd33-5a11-4748-94a3-e7ab40462097 |
CIMapUpdatePipeline | Defines a map update pipeline. UUID: 49cbd32c-6dfa-4155-b151-7261dd13f552 |
CIPipeline | Abstract class defining a generic pipeline object. UUID: b636f583-4f1e-41c9-94da-9d0eac82aa02 |
CIPoseEstimationPipeline | Defines a pose estimation pipeline. UUID: b5a6225e-6a91-4050-b298-886f4c17d9d2 |
CIRelocalizationPipeline | Defines a relocalization pipeline. UUID: ef2a631d-93c9-4979-ad1e-5fa16d5d00ef |
►NpointCloud | |
CIPCFilter | Filters a point cloud UUID: 3e068943-5230-4e6c-abd7-959f293f9829 |
CIPCFilterCentroid | Filters a point cloud according a given 3D point UUID: b293048a-1b04-4598-b2e5-7f485402acc0 |
►Nreloc | |
CIKeyframeRetriever | Recovers a set of pre-recorded keyframes close to a given frame. UUID: f60980ce-bdbd-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 |
CIRegression | learn and define a set of 3D world coordinates corresponding to a set of 2D descriptors. UUID: 6741d3ed-0d19-4117-8a66-501704a7ad04 |
CIRelocalizer | Returns a camera pose giving a frame. UUID: 3531a734-be88-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 |
►Nsegm | |
CIInstanceSegmentation | Perform 2D instance segmentation. UUID: 402aae34-bbec-43e3-8f36-3f201b6ca6d2 |
CISemanticSegmentation | Perform 2D semantic segmentation. UUID: 2fd30b7c-c6e4-4af7-a711-0b69964e68c2 |
►Nsink | |
CISinkPoseImage | A Sink for a synchronized pose and image useful for AR video see-through pipelines. UUID: c0d9fee4-d7d7-4866-a6cd-3bacac23316a |
CISinkPoseTextureBuffer | A Sink for a synchronized pose and texture buffer useful for AR video see-through pipelines. UUID: 8b220946-34ab-4fba-9aa7-ea8da807a2cf |
►Nslam | |
CIBootstrapper | Initialization SLAM using an image stream of a camera. UUID: b0515c62-cc81-4600-835c-8acdfedf39b5 |
CIMapping | SLAM mapping. UUID: 33db5a56-9be2-4e5a-8fdc-de25e1633cf6 |
CITracking | SLAM tracking task. UUID: c2182b8e-03e9-43a3-a5b9-326e80554cf8 |
►Nsolver | |
►Nmap | |
CIBundler | Optimizes a system of 3D points and keyframes. UUID: 35b9bdb7-d23c-4909-984f-ae7f9a292e6c |
CIKeyframeSelector | Determines if a frame is a keyframe candidate. UUID: 4d5f2abe-beb7-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 |
CIMapFilter | Filters a map of 3D points. UUID: 68dc9152-5199-11ea-8d77-2e728ce88125 |
CIMapFusion | Allow to merge local map or floating map in the global map. UUID: eb9b9921-b063-42a8-8282-9ed53ee21d96 |
CIMapUpdate | Allow to update the global map after merging a local map into the global map. UUID: 943dd9a0-4889-489a-80a7-84be1a6c1650 |
CITriangulator | Triangulates a set of 2D-2D undistorted points correspondances with known respective camera poses. UUID: 3a01b0e9-9a76-43f5-97b3-85bb6979b953 |
►Npose | |
CI2D3DCorrespondencesFinder | Finds the 2D-3D correspondences giving a frame and its matches with a second frame which has known 2D-3D correspondences. UUID: 0404e8b9-b824-4852-a34d-6eafa7563918 |
CI2Dto3DTransformDecomposer | Decomposes 2D transform (ex Fundamental matrix) to 3D transform (ex camera pose). UUID: 0404e8b9-b824-4852-a34d-6eafa7563918 |
CI2Dto3DTransformDecomposerValidation | Validates if a transform decomposition is correct. UUID: ee990fc4-ec74-4365-8fa8-b2c94845fde6 |
CI2DTransformFinder | Finds the 2D transform from 2D-2D points correspondences. UUID: 45dd370a-0eab-4a7f-93d0-43453b4c7517 |
CI3D3DCorrespondencesFinder | Finds the 3D-3D correspondences from feature matches of two keyframes. UUID: 90068876-655a-4d86-adfc-96a519041ab3 |
CI3DTransformFinderFrom2D2D | Finds the 3D transform between two cameras knowing the keypoints that match between them. UUID: 6063a606-9d30-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459 |
CI3DTransformFinderFrom2D3D | Finds the 3D transform of 2D-3D points correspondences. UUID: 77281cda-47c2-4bb7-bde6-5b0d02e75dae |
CI3DTransformFinderFrom3D3D | Finds the 3D transform of a depth sensor from a point cloud captured by this sensor and a point cloud representing a geometric knowledge of the real world |
CI3DTransformSACFinderFrom2D3D | Finds the 3D transform of 2D-3D points correspondences with a SAmple Consensus. UUID: 8dd889c5-e8e6-4b3b-92e4-34cf7442f272 |
CI3DTransformSACFinderFrom3D3D | Finds the 3D transform of 3D-3D points correspondences with a SAmple Consensus. UUID: 940bddba-da70-4a6e-a327-890c1e61386d |
CIHomographyValidation | Tests if a homography is valid. UUID: e95e8f70-dd32-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a |
CIMultiTrackablesPose | Estimate camera pose based on a set of given trackables. UUID: f22cede0-e638-403f-9dfc-d2c1bd15cf83 |
CITrackablePose | Estimate camera pose based on a given trackable. UUID: d5247968-b74e-4afb-9abd-546021441ad4 |
CTransform2DFinder | |
►Nsource | |
CISourceImage | A Source for an image, useful for AR video see-through pipelines. UUID: 06e2fc5d-39da-4486-b2a6-1d8bd788fa13 |
►Nstorage | |
CICovisibilityGraphManager | Allows to store the covisibility graph between keyframes. UUID: 15455f5a-0e99-49e5-a3fb-39de3eeb5b9b |
CIKeyframesManager | Allows to store a set of keyframes. UUID: 2c147595-6c74-4f69-b63d-91e162c311ed |
CIMapManager | Allow to manage all components of a map. UUID: 90075c1b-915b-469d-b92d-41c5d575bf15 |
CIPointCloudManager | Allows to store a point cloud. UUID: 264d4406-b726-4ce9-a430-35d8b5e70331 |
►Ntracking | |
CIOpticalFlowEstimator | Estimates the optical flow between two images. UUID: 3c74cd7f-950c-43ee-8886-9f4ddf763c27 |
▼Nbase | |
►Nfeatures | |
CADescriptorMatcher | |
CADescriptorMatcherGeometric | |
CADescriptorMatcherRegion | |
CADescriptorMatcherStereo | |
►Ngeom | |
CA2DPointsRectification | |
CAReprojectionStereo | |
►Npipeline | |
CAMappingPipeline | |
▼Ndatastructure | |
CBBox3Df | A bounding box 3D with coordinates defined with integers. |
CBufferInternal | A Buffer used to store any data such as descriptors. |
CCameraParameters | |
CCameraRigParameters | |
CCloudPoint | A 3D point stored in a cloud of points. |
CCoordinateSystem | This component includes coordinate systems of a map. It can be a floating coordinate system or be related to other coordinate systems. |
CCovisibilityGraph | A covisibility graph of keyframes. This class provides a covisibility graph where each vertex is an id of a keyframe and each edge is weighted by the number of common cloud points between two keyframes |
CDescriptorBuffer | A buffer to store a set of descriptors. |
CDescriptorBufferIterator | |
CDescriptorMatch | A match between two descriptors. |
CDescriptorView | |
CDescriptorViewTemplate | |
CEdge2Df | A 2D edge with coordinates defined with floats. |
CEdge2Di | A 2D edge with coordinates defined with integers. |
CFiducialMarker | This class defines a fiducial marker datastructure. |
CFrame | A frame. |
CIdentification | This component includes identification informations specified a map. |
CImage | A 2D image. |
CImageInternal | A 2D image buffer. |
CImageMarker | This class defines a fiducial marker datastructure. |
CinferType | |
CinferType< DescriptorDataType::TYPE_32F > | |
CinferType< DescriptorDataType::TYPE_8U > | |
CKeyframe | A keyframe |
CKeyframeCollection | A set of keyframes. This class provides a set of keyframes |
CKeyframeRetrieval | A bag of word of keyframe. This class provides a data structure of keyframe retrieval model (BoW) |
CKeypoint | A 2D Keypoint. |
CLockable | |
CMap | A generic map composed of an identification and a coordinate system. This class provides a generic map |
CPoint2Df | A 2D point with coordinates defined with floats. |
CPoint2Di | A 2D point with coordinates defined with integers. |
CPoint3Df | A 3D point with coordinates defined with floats. |
CPoint3Di | A 3D point with coordinates defined with integers. |
CPointCloud | A 3D cloud composed of multiple cloud points. This class provides a point cloud |
CPrimitiveInformation | This component includes primitive informations such as confident score, semantic. |
CQRCode | This class defines a QR code datastructure. |
CRectanglei | A 2D rectangle which size in defined with integers. |
CRectificationParameters | |
CSizef | A 2D size defined with floats. |
CSizei | A 2D size defined with integers. |
CSquaredBinaryPattern | A SquaredBinaryPattern defined with a binary regular grid. |
CTrackable | This abstract class defines the generic trackable datastructure. |
CTrackable2D | This abstract class defines the generic 2D trackable datastructure. |
CLog | Specifies the Log interface class and MACRO's used to manage the logs. |
CTimer | |