▼NSolAR | |
►NCERES | Provides a bundle adjustment component based on Ceres library: http://ceres-solver.org/ UUID: 09f4a367-c5bf-4a9f-9f3b-42424d52f717 |
CFixed3DNormParametrization | |
CSolARBundlerCeres | Applies a bundle adjustment to optimize a 3D map and keyframes. UUID: 4897fc13-682c-4e95-8aba-abd9f7a17193 |
►NFBOW | Provides an image retrieval component based on Fast Bag Of Words library: https://github.com/rmsalinas/fbow UUID (without CUDA): b81f0b90-bdbc-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 UUID (with CUDA): 0aa58e12-b5ac-11ec-b909-0242ac120002 |
CSolARFBOWHelper | |
CSolARKeyframeRetrieverFBOW | Retrieves keyframes closest to an input frame based on a Fast Bag Of Words implementaton. UUID: 9d1b1afa-bdbc-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 |
►NG2O | Provides a bundle adjustment component based on G20 library: https://github.com/OpenSLAM-org/openslam_g2o UUID: 8f94a3c5-79ed-4851-9502-98033eae3a3b |
CSolAROptimizationG2O | Bundle adjustment optimization. UUID: 870d89ba-bb5f-460a-a817-1fcb6473df70 |
►NNONFREEOPENCV | Provides a set of computer vision components based on OpenCV library (opencv_contrib): https://opencv.org/ Warining, the code source of openCV used for this module is not free ! UUID: 28b89d39-41bd-451d-b19e-d25a3d7c5797 |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorSURF128Opencv | Extracts the SURF descriptors (size 128) for a set of keypoints. UUID: fe14a310-d0a2-11e7-8fab-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorSURF64Opencv | Extracts the SURF descriptors (size 64) for a set of keypoints. UUID: 1a437804-d0a3-11e7-8fab-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARFiducialMarkerPoseEstimatorNonFreeOpencv | Estimate camera pose based on a fiducial marker using Aruco library. UUID: 2b952e6c-ddd4-4316-ac9a-d3fad0b33b32 |
CSolARKeypointDetectorNonFreeOpencv | Detects keypoints in an image (based on SIFT or SURF algorithm). UUID: d1f9317c-9519-4671-8ff5-4629773544f2 |
CSolARNonFreeOpenCVHelper | A toolbox to convert OpenCV structures to SolAR structures and respectively |
►NOPENCV | Provides a set of computer vision components based on OpenCV library: https://opencv.org/ UUID (without CUDA): 15e1990b-86b2-445c-8194-0cbe80ede970 UUID (with CUDA): fde83ee6-3e22-4531-9e1c-54cb0a3bf3fa |
CSolAR2D3DCorrespondencesFinderOpencv | Finds the 3D correspondents of 2D keypoints. UUID: cedd8c47-e7b0-47bf-abb1-7fb54d198117 |
CSolAR2DOverlayOpencv | Draws 2D features (circles, lines, etc.) on an image. UUID: cc51d685-9797-4ffd-a9dd-cec4f367fa6a |
CSolAR3DOverlayBoxOpencv | Draws a 3D box on an image. UUID: 2db01f59-9793-4cd5-8e13-b25d0ed5735b |
CSolARBaseCameraOpencv | Grabs current image captured by a RGB camera. UUID: 5b7396f4-a804-4f3c-a0eb-fb1d56042bb4 |
CSolARCameraCalibrationOpencv | Calibrates a camera based on a chessboard. UUID: 702a7f53-e5ec-45d2-887d-daa99a34a33c |
CSolARCameraOpencv | Grabs current image captured by a RGB camera. UUID: 5b7396f4-a804-4f3c-a0eb-fb1d56042bb4 |
CSolARContoursExtractorOpencv | Extracts the contours of a given image. UUID: 6acf8de2-cc63-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARContoursFilterBinaryMarkerOpencv | Filters contours to select only the contours of squared binary markers. UUID: 4309dcc6-cc73-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARCornerRefinementOpencv | Refine the corner locations. UUID: ddae46ca-1657-4301-a87d-f2dcfa6265d0 |
CSolARDescriptorMatcherGeometricOpencv | Matches two sets of descriptors based on geometric constraints. UUID: 389ece8b-9e29-45ae-bd60-de1784ff0931 |
CSolARDescriptorMatcherHammingBruteForceOpencv | Matches descriptors based on a Hamming distance and selects the best matches of each descriptor. UUID: d67ce1ba-04a5-43bc-a0f8-e0c3653b32c9 |
CSolARDescriptorMatcherKNNOpencv | Matches descriptors and selects k best matches for each descriptor. UUID: 7823dac8-1597-41cf-bdef-59aa22f3d40a |
CSolARDescriptorMatcherRadiusOpencv | Matches descriptors and selects all matches not farther than a specified distance. UUID: 549f7873-96e4-4eae-b4a0-ae8d80664ce5 |
CSolARDescriptorMatcherRegionOpencv | Matches two sets of descriptors based on region constraints. UUID: a12a8706-299b-4981-b12b-60717ef3b160 |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorAKAZE2Opencv | Extracts the AKAZE descriptors for a set of keypoints (optimized version). UUID: 21238c00-26dd-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorAKAZEOpencv | Extracts the AKAZE descriptors for a set of keypoints. UUID: c8cc68db-9abd-4dab-9204-2fe4e9d010cd |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorFromImageOpencv | Detect keypoints and compute the descriptors from an image. UUID: cf2721f2-0dc9-4442-ad1e-90c0ab12b0ff |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorORBOpencv | Extracts the ORB descriptors for a set of keypoints. UUID: 0ca8f7a6-d0a7-11e7-8fab-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorSBPatternOpencv | Extracts the descriptor corresponding to a squared binary marker pattern. UUID: d25625ba-ce3a-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorSIFTOpencv | Extracts the SIFT descriptors for a set of keypoints. UUID: 3787eaa6-d0a0-11e7-8fab-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARDeviceDataLoader | Load AR device data including images, poses, timestamp. UUID: 4b5576c1-4c44-4835-a405-c8de2d4f85b0 |
CSolARFCNSegmentationOpencv | Perform 2D semantic segmentation based on the FCN network (Not available for Android!). UUID: 77a8b776-6b0c-4bc0-b0a8-437a796b8e29 |
CSolARFiducialMarkerLoaderOpencv | Loads a fiducial marker from a description file. UUID: d0116ed2-45d7-455d-8011-57959da1b0fa |
CSolARFundamentalMatrixEstimationOpencv | Estimates the fundamental matrix from two set of keypoints that match together. UUID: 79b29b50-cf4d-441e-b5de-1de829b91c41 |
CSolARGeometricMatchesFilterOpencv | Filters a set of matches based on geometric constraints. UUID: 3731691e-2c4c-4d37-a2ce-06d1918f8d41 |
CSolARHomographyEstimationOpencv | Estimates the homography between two images from their matching keypoints. UUID: fb9dac20-2a44-44b2-aa42-2871eec31427 |
CSolARHomographyMatrixDecomposerOpencv | Decomposes a homography matrix to extract four possible 3D poses. UUID: b5fab395-2184-4123-b0d5-4af74d0a2d79 |
CSolARImageConvertorOpencv | Converts an image according to a given expected layout. UUID: fd7fb607-144f-418c-bcf2-f7cf71532c22 |
CSolARImageConvertorUnity | Converts an image to be compliant with Unity image format and layout. UUID: 65282fb3-6651-4e73-b532-5a64ade0ead0 |
CSolARImageFilterAdaptiveBinaryOpencv | Filters a greyscale image to a binary image based on an adaptive threshold. UUID: 901e7a07-5013-4907-be41-0259fca3726c |
CSolARImageFilterBinaryOpencv | Filters an image to a binary image based on a unique threshold. UUID: e5fd7e9a-fcae-4f86-bfc7-ea8584c298b2 |
CSolARImageFilterBlurOpencv | Blurs an image using the normalized box filter. UUID: deb083aa-69fb-409a-af94-151d476de922 |
CSolARImageFilterDilateOpencv | Dilates the white regions of a binary image. UUID: 7ac9d1b8-afda-4c99-b8df-92e71015a3be |
CSolARImageFilterErodeOpencv | Erodes the white regions of a binary image. UUID: 58b09819-64bc-4a80-b6a2-9fe7b179f3fc |
CSolARImageFilterWallisOpencv | Apply a Wallis Filter to an image. UUID: 77113af0-4af2-4c45-92d4-fd1ea77b56cc |
CSolARImageLoaderOpencv | Loads an image from a file. UUID: e42d6526-9eb1-4f8a-bb68-53e06f09609c |
CSolARImageMarkerLoaderOpencv | Loads a 2D natural image marker from a file. UUID: aae41002-8e5b-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003 |
CSolARImagesAsCameraOpencv | Loads an image sequence stored in a dedicated folder. UUID: b8a8b963-ba55-4ea4-b045-d9e7e8f6db02 |
CSolARImageViewerOpencv | Displays an image in a dedicated window. UUID: 19ea4e13-7085-4e3f-92ca-93f200ffb01b |
CSolARKeypointDetectorOpencv | Detects keypoints in an image. UUID: e81c7e4e-7da6-476a-8eba-078b43071272 |
CSolARKeypointDetectorRegionOpencv | Detects keypoints in an given region of an image. UUID: 22c2ca9f-e43b-4a88-8337-4a166a789971 |
CSolARMapFusionOpencv | Merge local map or floating map in the global map. UUID: bc661909-0185-40a4-a5e6-e52280e7b338 |
CSolARMaskOverlayOpencv | Draws masks on top of an image. UUID: ed445504-daba-4855-af88-052d4e3e5b7a |
CSolARMatchesOverlayOpencv | Displays matching keypoints between two images. UUID: e95302be-3fe1-44e0-97bf-a98380464af9 |
CSolARMultiQRCodesPoseEstimatorOpencv | Estimate camera pose based on a set of QR codes. UUID: 73e66f7f-be35-4d76-97f2-ef864e043d57 |
CSolAROpenCVHelper | A toolbox to convert OpenCV structures to SolAR structures and respectively |
CSolAROpticalFlowPyrLKOpencv | Estimates the optical flow between two images based on a pyramidal Lucas Kanade approach. UUID: b513e9ff-d2e7-4dcf-9a29-4ed95c512158 |
CSolARPerspectiveControllerOpencv | Extracts an unwrapped image from a specific region of an input image defined with four 2D points. UUID: 9c960f2a-cd6e-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a |
CSolARPoseEstimationPlanarPointsOpencv | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D planar points correspondences based on opencv homography. UUID: 9fbadf80-251f-4160-94f8-a64dc3d40a2f |
CSolARPoseEstimationPnpOpencv | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D points correspondences based on opencv Perspective-n-Points algorithm. UUID: 0753ade1-7932-4e29-a71c-66155e309a53 |
CSolARPoseEstimationSACPnpOpencv | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D points correspondences based on opencv Perspective-n-Points algorithm using Ransac method. UUID: 4d369049-809c-4e99-9994-5e8167bab808 |
CSolARPoseFinderFrom2D2DOpencv | Finds the camera pose based on a 2D-2D points correspondences between two images. UUID: 52babb5e-9d33-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459 |
CSolARProjectOpencv | Projects a set of 3D points on a 2D image plane. UUID: 741fc298-0149-4322-a7a9-ccb971e857ba |
CSolARQRCodeLoaderOpencv | Load a QR code from file. UUID: 435242ab-e2fe-4477-9ec0-44af2dfa2386 |
CSolARQRCodePoseEstimatorOpencv | Estimate camera pose based on a QR code. UUID: 7cd9c6ea-9287-4058-9e18-c64129c017c8 |
CSolARQRCodesDetectorOpencv | Detect a set of given 2D trackables in an image. UUID: 0ff5ae31-f469-4d9b-86fc-feca1fa74a04 |
CSolARStereo2DPointsRectificationOpencv | Rectify 2D points. UUID: bf4c7011-b7e6-453d-a755-884dac18d3ee |
CSolARStereoCalibrationOpencv | Calibrate and rectify a stereo camera. UUID: 31051575-1521-4559-9e75-e7e97f990c77 |
CSolARStereoDescriptorMatcherOpencv | Matches two sets of descriptors from stereo images. UUID: a2740dbd-a17d-4a48-9f3f-3ddc38479745 |
CSolARStereoImageRectificationOpencv | Rectify image. UUID: 427cbbb8-6afe-4b3b-8b04-cb93ed925b40 |
CSolARSVDFundamentalMatrixDecomposerOpencv | Decomposes Fundamental matrix on a set of camera poses based on opencv SVD solver. UUID: 31188e79-6bd5-43df-9633-6d6c5d7afb5c |
CSolARSVDTriangulationOpencv | Triangulates a set of corresponding 2D-2D points correspondences with known respective camera poses based on opencv SVD. UUID: 85274ecd-2914-4f12-96de-37c6040633a4 |
CSolARUndistortPointsOpencv | Undistorts a set of points according to the distortion matrix of a camera. UUID: d926e249-8b7f-46e0-8cbd-f981ceb8f921 |
CSolARUnprojectPlanarPointsOpencv | Recovers 3D points defined in world coordinate system from a set of 2D points defined in the image coordinate system. UUID: 9938354d-6476-437e-8325-97e82666a46e |
CSolARVideoAsCameraOpencv | Grabs the images from a video file. UUID: fa4a780a-9720-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459 |
CSolARYOLACTSegmentationOpencv | Perform 2D instance segmentation based on the YOLACT network (Not available for Android!). UUID: b6288dde-4e58-4ead-8e41-f2ce98f43626 |
►NOPENGL | Provides a component to display 3D point cloud based on OpenGL library: https://www.opengl.org/ UUID: 6e960df6-9a36-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459 |
CSinkPoseTextureBuffer | A Sink for a synchronized pose and texture buffer based on OpenGL texture buffer useful for AR video see-through pipelines. UUID: 3af7813c-4647-4d70-9cc6-e3cedd8dd77c |
CSolAR3DPointsViewerOpengl | Displays in a window a set of 3D points as well as the current camera and its previous path (based on an OpenGL implementation). UUID: afd38ea0-9a46-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459 |
►NOPENGV | Provides triangulation and PnP components based on OpenGV library: https://laurentkneip.github.io/opengv/ UUID: 9f5f0fb9-a8c8-4532-bddf-f988052f63c3 |
CPoseEstimationEPnp | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Efficient Perspective-n-Point algorithm. UUID: 22007c73-6847-48aa-a2c1-d2ff59baf92f |
CPoseEstimationP3PGao | Finds the camera pose of three 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv GAO P3P algorithm. UUID: 6efb890b-8e90-487b-a34a-50e7373444cf |
CPoseEstimationP3PKneip | Finds the camera pose of three 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Kneip P3P algorithm. UUID: 473faa6a-e023-49ac-9c48-f00ef9d79af3 |
CPoseEstimationSACEPnp | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Efficient Perspective-n-Point algorithm with a RANdom SAmple Consensus. UUID: a2c38e05-40d9-47fc-aad4-1ea2255333d5 |
CPoseEstimationSACP3PGao | Finds the camera pose of three 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Gao P3P algorithm with a RANdom SAmple Consensus. UUID: 76329985-5faf-46e0-9179-0aedacedb6e2 |
CPoseEstimationSACP3PKneip | Finds the camera pose of three 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Kneip P3P algorithm with a RANdom SAmple Consensus. UUID: 97045e96-506f-41f8-bb78-b966b4f8d435 |
CPoseEstimationUPnp | Finds the camera pose of 2D-3D points correspondences based on opengv Universal Perspective-n-Point algorithm. UUID: 922e9db6-e424-4518-ad26-31201471ff00 |
CTriangulation | Triangulates set of corresponding 2D-2D points correspondances with known respective camera poses based on opengv. UUID: bb7dac37-499a-4bc4-9b57-3e010a94ed30 |
►NPCL | Provides a set of function to process point cloud based on the point clouds library: https://pointclouds.org UUID: bc1a5b44-d022-4234-8f7a-7e2b72763bad |
CSolARICP | This component performs Point-To-Point registration between two pointclouds based on Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CSolARICPNormals | This component performs Point-To-Plane registration between two pointclouds based on Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CSolARPCFilter | This component filters a point cloud based on Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CSolARPCFilterCentroid | This component filters a point cloud according to a given centroid based on Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CSolARPCLHelper | |
CSolARPointCloudLoader | This component loads a point cloud from a file based on Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
►NPOPSIFT | Provides a CUDA optimized SIFT feature detection and extraction based on PopSift library: https://github.com/alicevision/popsift UUID: 4a43732c-a1b2-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130002 |
CSolARDescriptorsExtractorFromImagePopSift | Detect keypoints and compute the descriptors from an image. UUID: 7fb2aace-a1b1-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130002 |
CSolARImageMatcherPopSift | find the matches between two input images. UUID: 3baab95a-ad25-11eb-8529-0242ac130003 |
►NREALSENSE | Provides a component to access realsense RGB-D camera : https://www.intelrealsense.com/ UUID: 63b92983-f790-448b-8124-3b686d481aaf |
CSolARRGBDCamera | This component handles a real sense RGBD camera and provides access to the color image, the depth image, and the 3D point cloud |
CSolARStereoCameraRealsense | This component gets data from a stereo camera of Realsense. UUID: 0e9c544f-64af-41d8-96d2-58b5e2f816a0 |
►NTOOLS | Provides a set of useful components UUID: 28b89d39-41bd-451d-b19e-d25a3d7c5797 |
CSolAR2DTransform | Applies a 2D Transform to a set of 2D points. UUID: edcedc0a-9841-4377-aea1-9fa9fdb46fde |
CSolAR3D3DCorrespondencesFinder | Finds the 3D-3D correspondences from feature matches of two keyframes. UUID: 978068ef-7f93-41ef-8e24-13419776d9c6 |
CSolAR3DTransform | Applies a 3D Transform to a set of 3D points. UUID: f05dd955-33bd-4d52-8717-93ad298ed3e3 |
CSolAR3DTransformEstimationSACFrom3D3D | Finds the 3D transform of 3D-3D points correspondences with a SAmple Consensus. UUID: 3b7a1117-8b59-46b1-8e0c-6e76a8377ab4 |
CSolARBasicMatchesFilter | Retains the best match for each keypoint. UUID: cbb620c3-a7fc-42d7-bcbf-f59b475b23b0 |
CSolARBasicSink | A Sink for a synchronized pose and texture buffer based on an image buffer useful for AR video see-through pipelines.. UUID: 85db2f25-4f1c-4e06-9011-e020284bfc4f |
CSolARBasicSource | Feeds a pipeline with an external image. UUID: 1e43cda9-7850-4a8a-a32b-f3f31ea94902 |
CSolARBoostCovisibilityGraph | A storage component to store with persistence the visibility between keypoints and 3D points, and respectively, based on a bimap from boost |
CSolARCovisibilityGraphManager | A storage component to store a covisibility graph where each vertex is an id of a keyframe and each edge is weighted by the number of common cloud points between two keyframes |
CSolARFiducialMarkerPoseEstimator | Estimate camera pose based on a fiducial marker. UUID: cddd23c4-da4e-4c5c-b3f9-7d095d097c97 |
CSolARFiducialMarkersDetector | Detect a set of given 2D fiducial markers in an image. UUID: 31fa26d6-9744-4522-85fa-fc2baafbe397 |
CSolARHomographyValidation | Checks if an homography is valid based on 4 corners of a squared marker and their projection through a given homography. UUID: 112f9f03-79c1-4393-b8f3-e02227bebfed |
CSolARImage2WorldMapper4Marker2D | Retrieves the 3D correspondences of pixels of a 2D marker. UUID: 6fed0169-4f01-4545-842a-3e2425bee248 |
CSolARKeyframeSelector | Defines if a frame can be a candidate for a keyframe. UUID: ad59a5ba-beb8-11e8-a355-529269fb1459 |
CSolARKeyframesManager | A storage component to store a persistent set of keyframes, based on a std::set |
CSolARKeypointsReIndexer | Provides two ordered set of matching keypoints from two unordered set of keypoints and their corresponding matches. UUID: c2836cc0-0344-4956-8959-84936fb4bcf2 |
CSolARLoopClosureDetector | Detect a loop closure from a given keyframe. UUID: e3d5946c-c1f1-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 |
CSolARLoopCorrector | Corrects a loop of camera poses and updates associated geometry. UUID: 1007b588-c1f2-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 |
CSolARMapFilter | Filters a cloud of 3D points by removing points with a too important reporjection error or those which are behind the camera. UUID: 09205b96-7cba-4415-bc61-64744bc26222 |
CSolARMapManager | Allow to manage all components of a map. UUID: 8e3c926a-0861-46f7-80b2-8abb5576692c |
CSolARMapUpdate | Update the global map after merging a local map into the global map. UUID: 3960331a-9190-48f4-aeba-e20bf6a24465 |
CSolARMultiFiducialMarkersPoseEstimator | Estimate camera pose based on a set of fiducial markers. UUID: 9a4521de-2ea5-48f4-97ba-7e698a426076 |
CSolAROverlapDetector | Detect a loop closure from a given keyframe. UUID: 58087630-1376-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002 |
CSolARPointCloudManager | A storage component to store a persistent cloud of 3D points, based on a std::set |
CSolARSBPatternReIndexer | Provides both the 4 corners of a pattern in its reference coordinate system (pixels, cells, etc.) and the 4 corners in pixels of this pattern in the current image. UUID: a2ef5542-029e-4fce-9974-0aea14b29d6f |
CSolARSLAMBootstrapper | Initialization SLAM using an image stream of a camera. UUID: 8f43eed0-1a2e-4c47-83f0-8dd5b259cdb0 |
CSolARSLAMMapping | SLAM mapping. UUID: c276bcb1-2ac8-42f2-806d-d4fe0ce7d4be |
CSolARSLAMTracking | SLAM tracking task. UUID: c45da19d-9637-48b6-ab52-33d3f0af6f72 |
CSolARStereoBootstrapper | Perform mapping bootstrapper using stereo camera. UUID: 02064ef7-e7b9-40e2-8793-6bd177f4bc79 |
CSolARStereoDepthEstimation | Depth estimation based on disparity of matched features. UUID: 153ffeaf-7583-44a7-bb7a-3474ba7d99cb |
CSolARStereoFeatureExtractionAndDepthEstimation | Perform feature extraction and keypoint depth estimation from each stereo images. UUID: d015129a-6dff-448c-bf02-66f461ff401e |
CSolARStereoReprojection | Reproject keypoints with estimating depth to 3D cloud points. UUID: 6f0c5373-1b00-41ce-ab1b-a845b83f65b3 |
CSolARWorldGraphLoader | Load a world graph of trackables. UUID: 8ee6aa50-f6bb-4b01-a1fe-727b54ed0457 |